
No U


Ever since the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973, American energy policy has largely orbited around the hackneyed idea of “energy independence.”  read more »


Will We Ever See an End to the Donald Trump Show?


In a perverse way, the wave of indictments against Donald Trump is a win for both Trump himself and for his so-called progressive tormentors.  read more »


The Uni-party Isn't Just Bad for Governance


We will take as a given for the purposes of this article that California has one actual political party.  read more »

Cities of the West: An American Success Story, Part 2


Part one of this essay showed how the political tradition of Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, and Abraham Lincoln gave rise to the successful spread of American civilization  read more »



When it comes to siting renewables, the overwhelming majority of the money, media, and momentum is on the side of the companies that want to impose large wind, solar, and battery projects on rural communities.  read more »


Why Africa is Turning Its Back on the Eco-obsessed West


The Western democracies appear united in their support for Ukraine, but they may also be losing the bigger, more consequential battle for the loyalties of the developing world.  read more »

The Once Lucky Country: Can It Be Again?


An introduction to this newly released report on demographics and economic mobility in Australia, prepared in collaboration with the Institute of Public Affairs, is  read more »

Can California Be Saved?


Some conservatives regard California as a lost cause, its economy and society doomed to decline. Yet despite its awful regulatory regime, the state retains its natural bounty and an edge in many key industries.  read more »

By Failing to Promote Safety, America’s Older Cities are Failing to Build Community


It seems that a day hardly goes by without another incident of violence making the national news. From school shootings to aggressive protests from extreme groups and endless petty crime in general  read more »

The Governor's Gambit


Many conservatives may see Gavin Newsom as the epitome of the progressive Left, with some even calling his policies “communist.”  read more »